RegaRega es el bonus track de Sound Blasta (primer disco colaborativo que sacamos juntos). Es una canción simple pero sólida, con una sutil textura de Hard-Techno y bajos potentes de HardPsy. Incluye acapellas e instrumentos nativos de India, como la flauta Bansuri, y unos mantras hinduistas presentados por Zafir, productor y músico indio que ha colaborado con Dharma Sounds en una de las compilaciones de sonidos nativos del noroeste de India.
Freebot además nos explica: 'La nombré RegaRega porque en la teoría musical de la India antigua, las notas utilizadas eran: ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, sa, ri, lo que equivale a Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, y por la pronunciación del mantra que utilicé para darle identidad al instrumental, se repite la nota Ri, que fonéticamente se escucha y se pronuncia como Re, y la nota Ga, que se pronuncia y se escribe de la misma manera.'

RegaRega is the bonus track from Sound Blasta (the first collaborative album we released together). It’s a simple yet solid track, with subtle Hard-Techno textures and powerful HardPsy basslines. It features acapellas and native Indian instruments, like the Bansuri flute, along with Hindu mantras presented by Zafir, an Indian producer and musician who has collaborated with Dharma Sounds on one of the compilations of native sounds from northwestern India.
Freebot also explains: 'I named it RegaRega because in ancient Indian music theory, the notes used were: ga, ma, pa, dha, ni, sa, ri, which are equivalent to Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Si, and due to the pronunciation of the mantra I used to give identity to the instrumental, the note Ri is repeated, which phonetically sounds and is pronounced as Re, and the note Ga, which is pronounced and written the same way.'
Text:Rosa Pistola
Cover design: Pavle Trifunovic